Main window
- Colour palette. See Palette
- Switches between Modelling mode and Rendering mode
- Model name. Type to change name.
- Saves model changes
- File operations. See File operations
- Show/hide animation panel
- Show/hide hint bar
- Take screenshot (key F6)
- Toggle alpha channel of screenshot
- Hint bar
- Console for command line
- Camera settings. See Camera settings
To hide a panel click its name bar. To show/hide a subpanel click its triangle.
Modeling mode
- Brushes: see
- Modes: see
- Toolbox: see
- Mirror mode: see
- Axis: see
- View: see
- Volume size. Type to change (min. 1, max. 126)
- Fit model size: reduces the volume size to the model size
- Undo (key CTRL+Z) / redo (key CTRL+Y or CTRL+SHIFT+Z)
- Volume tools: see
- Selection tools: see
- Clipboard: see
- Rotate: see
- Flip: see
- Loop: see
- Scale: see
- Repeat: see
- Misc: see
- Shape: see
Rendering mode
- Light settings: see
- Voxel shape: see
- View: see
- Pause/Resume render
- Render settings: see
- Matter: see
- Camera settings: see
- Bloom settings: see
- Zoom in: mouse wheel or 'W' key
- Zoom out: mouse wheel or 'S' key
- Rotate camera: right mouse button or left mouse button + 'M' key
- Rotate camera left: 'A' key
- Rotate camera right: 'D' key
- Rotate camera down: 'Q' key
- Rotate camera up: 'E' key
File operations
- Switches between Model list and Model list for pattern brush
- Save / Save as / New Model / Duplicate model
- Model list
- Open model / Import model / Move model to trash
- Export model
- Switches between four colour palettes
- Sets edge colour. To display edges see View
- Sets ground colour. To display the ground plane see View
- 255 colour swatches. To create a gradient, click the first swatch, then CTRL+ALT+SHIFT drag towards the second swatch
- File operations for colour palettes
- Hue / Saturation / Value sliders (or Red / Green / Blue sliders)
- Switch between Hue / Saturation / Value and Red / Green / Blue colour picker mode
- Numerical value entry
Camera settings
- Projection (Perspective / Free / Orthogonal / Isometric)
- Save/load camera slots (key F5/F7)
- Camera ruler: allows rotation of the camera in 5 degree increments. Drag ruler to change rotation.
- Reset camera to initial settings.
- Toggles automatic resetting of camera.
Menu commands
MagicaVoxel menu
- About: version number and credits
- Quit (key CMD+Q)
File menu
- New (key CMD+N)
- Duplicate (key SHIFT+CMD+N)
- Save (key CMD+N)
- Save As (key SHIFT+CMD+S)
- Open (key CMD+O)
- Import (key SHIFT+CMD+O)
- Screenshot
- Bake
- Export
- Trash
Edit menu
- Undo (key CMD+Z)
- Redo (key SHIFT+CMD+Z)
- Full (key U): fills the entire volume with voxels.
- Fill (key I): paints all voxels (even those which are not selected).
- Empty (key Backspace)
- Shrink: reduces the size of the volume to the size of the model
- Shell: removes all voxels except the ones which are on the outside of the model
- Inner:
Palette menu
- New
- Open
- Save
View menu
- Grid (key CMD+G)
- Edge (key CMD+E)
- Frame (key CMD+F)
- Ground (key CMD+R)
- Shadow (key CMD+W)
- Background (key CMD+B)
(See View)