
Main window


  1. Colour palette. See Palette
  2. Switches between Modelling mode and Rendering mode
  3. Model name. Type to change name.
  4. Saves model changes
  5. File operations. See File operations
  6. Show/hide animation panel
  7. Show/hide hint bar
  8. Take screenshot (key F6)
  9. Toggle alpha channel of screenshot
  10. Hint bar
  11. Console for command line
  12. Camera settings. See Camera settings

To hide a panel click its name bar. To show/hide a subpanel click its triangle.

Modeling mode

  1. Brushes: see
  2. Modes: see
  3. Toolbox: see
  4. Mirror mode: see
  5. Axis: see
  6. View: see
  7. Volume size. Type to change (min. 1, max. 126)
  8. Fit model size: reduces the volume size to the model size
  9. Undo (key CTRL+Z) / redo (key CTRL+Y or CTRL+SHIFT+Z)
  10. Volume tools: see
  11. Selection tools: see
  12. Clipboard: see
  13. Rotate: see
  14. Flip: see
  15. Loop: see
  16. Scale: see
  17. Repeat: see
  18. Misc: see
  19. Shape: see

Rendering mode

  1. Light settings: see
  2. Voxel shape: see
  3. View: see
  4. Pause/Resume render
  5. Render settings: see
  6. Matter: see
  7. Camera settings: see
  8. Bloom settings: see
  • Zoom in: mouse wheel or 'W' key
  • Zoom out: mouse wheel or 'S' key
  • Rotate camera: right mouse button or left mouse button + 'M' key
  • Rotate camera left: 'A' key
  • Rotate camera right: 'D' key
  • Rotate camera down: 'Q' key
  • Rotate camera up: 'E' key


File operations

  1. Switches between Model list and Model list for pattern brush
  2. Save / Save as / New Model / Duplicate model
  3. Model list
  4. Open model / Import model / Move model to trash
  5. Export model


  1. Switches between four colour palettes
  2. Sets edge colour. To display edges see View
  3. Sets ground colour. To display the ground plane see View
  4. 255 colour swatches. To create a gradient, click the first swatch, then CTRL+ALT+SHIFT drag towards the second swatch
  5. File operations for colour palettes
  6. Hue / Saturation / Value sliders (or Red / Green / Blue sliders)
  7. Switch between Hue / Saturation / Value and Red / Green / Blue colour picker mode
  8. Numerical value entry

Camera settings

  1. Projection (Perspective / Free / Orthogonal / Isometric)
  2. Save/load camera slots (key F5/F7)
  3. Camera ruler: allows rotation of the camera in 5 degree increments. Drag ruler to change rotation.
  4. Reset camera to initial settings.
  5. Toggles automatic resetting of camera.

MagicaVoxel menu

  • About: version number and credits
  • Quit (key CMD+Q)

File menu

  • New (key CMD+N)
  • Duplicate (key SHIFT+CMD+N)
  • Save (key CMD+N)
  • Save As (key SHIFT+CMD+S)
  • Open (key CMD+O)
  • Import (key SHIFT+CMD+O)
  • Screenshot
  • Bake
  • Export
  • Trash

Edit menu

  • Undo (key CMD+Z)
  • Redo (key SHIFT+CMD+Z)
  • Full (key U): fills the entire volume with voxels.
  • Fill (key I): paints all voxels (even those which are not selected).
  • Empty (key Backspace)
  • Shrink: reduces the size of the volume to the size of the model
  • Shell: removes all voxels except the ones which are on the outside of the model
  • Inner:

Palette menu

  • New
  • Open
  • Save

View menu

  • Grid (key CMD+G)
  • Edge (key CMD+E)
  • Frame (key CMD+F)
  • Ground (key CMD+R)
  • Shadow (key CMD+W)
  • Background (key CMD+B)

(See View)

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